Friday, February 8, 2008

Diamond Does King

"I’m ride or die,” says the Atlanta badass, whose sexy frame is touched up with 14 tattoos. “There ain’t too many females who love how I love. I love hard.”

Except from her King magazine interview in the March/April issue, on stands now:

Does this make you the Beyonce´of crunk?

Well, that’s what a lot of people say, but I don’t; I’m just riding the ride. I’m trying to live life, and everything good that happens to me is just overwhelming. When people say stuff like that and single me out, it makes me feel good that they recognize things about me.

If you’re B. is Scrappy your Jay-Z?

You probably got to ask him that [laughs].

We don’t want no problems, so we’ll keep it focused on you. How can a man rock your hips?

He has to be a loving son of God, first and foremost. He has to have money, be able to take care of me and have a lot of common sense and street sense too - ’cause how the world is today, it’s crazy.

It’s not really that bad, is it?
Life is crazy. You ain’t turned to Maury Lately? People are crazy!

Pretty girl. I'm a little mad at the "he has to have money" comment, but she is cute. I'd fuck her.

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